Converse are my absolute favourite I defo want some for Squish! These are from |
He keeps saying he would not know to do with a girl but I assure him most kids activities are pretty much unisex for the first couple of years. I am sure a little girl would love to go fishing with her dad as long as I don't screw my face up if they ask me to come too. I'll be fine as long as we have a nice picnic to be going on with. Girls don't just want to be princesses (although I am aware this is the primary choice of career for 99.9% of little girls). They also want to explore and learn all about the world.
My Mother always told me "Do what makes you happy" I always have and I reckon I turned out ok. This is something I am determined to instil into my children no matter what sex they are. Hey son, you want to be a drag queen? I'm sure you will be fabulous. Whats that daughter of mine, you want to be an astronaut? Go for it, try your hardest and I am sure you will get there. When you are pregnant it's hard to think past the daft questions like;
- What do we need to buy?
- How will cope financially?
- How will I know what to do?
- What do I need to pack for the hospital?
This list could be endless. It's strange to think that between us Jimmy and I will be responsible for a human and every aspect of it's life. Boy or girl I personally don't have a preference. I am just thrilled that it's happening and I hope that we do a 'good job' whatever that is?!