Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Pink or Blue?

In just 8 days Jimmy and I will discover the sex of our baby. We are both so excited and seems we have almost put everything on hold until we find out. We have stopped talking about names, nursery themes and clothes. We plan to go out for dinner after our 15:45 scan next week to celebrate. As I mentioned before Jimmy is desperate for a boy, but I think all men want boys don't they? He says he would be able to take him fishing, tree climbing and teach him how to kick a ball, throw and catch. I'm not sure this is sinking in but I keep telling him that girls love to do all that stuff too! 

Converse are my absolute favourite I defo want some for Squish! These are from 

He keeps saying he would not know to do with a girl but I assure him most kids activities are pretty much unisex for the first couple of years. I am sure a little girl would love to go fishing with her dad as long as I don't screw my face up if they ask me to come too. I'll be fine as long as we have a nice picnic to be going on with. Girls don't just want to be princesses (although I am aware this is the primary choice of career for 99.9% of little girls). They also want to explore and learn all about the world. 

My Mother always told me "Do what makes you happy" I always have and I reckon I turned out ok. This is something I am determined to instil into my children no matter what sex they are. Hey son, you want to be a drag queen? I'm sure you will be fabulous. Whats that daughter of mine, you want to be an astronaut? Go for it, try your hardest and I am sure you will get there. When you are pregnant it's hard to think past the daft questions like;

  • What do we need to buy?
  • How will cope financially?
  • How will I know what to do?
  • What do I need to pack for the hospital?
This list could be endless. It's strange to think that between us Jimmy and I will be responsible for a human and every aspect of it's life. Boy or girl I personally don't have a preference. I am just thrilled that it's happening and I hope that we do a 'good job' whatever that is?!