Thursday, 11 September 2014

Week 21 of Pregnancy

I am now 21 weeks pregnant and the nausea filled days of weeks 6-15 are nothing but a distant memory. There were times when I thought it would never end and it was a good job I was not working because some days I genuinely could not get out of bed. I have experienced morning sickness, piles, leg cramps and round ligament pain. So I really feel like I have had the platinum pregnancy experience. According to my pregnancy app my baby is around 26.5cm from crown to heel and about the size of a large carrot. 

I have had a bit of a thing for ham and mayo rolls on white bread and have rediscovered my love for salt and vinegar crisps. I have had no cravings as such but, every now and then I fancy a cake or chocolate but I can't really say they are cravings, surely that's just normal? 

Now we know that Squish is a boy we have been looking at nursery decor and it's been a bit of a challenge. Normally Jimmy shows no interest in this kind of thing and I have my way but we have different ideas for Squish. I want a bright animal theme and he wants nautical or under the sea, which I think is too cold looking. At the moment it's all up in the air and we will just have to wait and see who wins!

photo credit: <a href="">plushoff</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>


  1. I can't wait to see which nursery theme you decide on. You are looking amazing! x

    1. Thanks Donna, I think I may be winning and I've got my eye on a really gorgeous one from Next! xxx
