Thursday, 6 November 2014

Week 29 of Pregnancy

29 weeks in and only 11 to go! I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going, it seems like just yesterday we found out we were going to be parents. This week I have been a bit of busy bee, I had my 28 week midwife appointment and we went to our first parent craft so keep your eyes peeled for posts about those coming soon. Baby boy is now just over a KG in weight and 39cm long. Although I have my suspicions he may be longer, as at our 20 week scan our stenographer commented on his long legs! He is around the size of a butternut squash according to my preggo app, which is a bit scary, I've seen some bloody big butternut squashes in my time!

This week I am starting to feel a little more prepared for the birth and I starting to think about what to put in my hospital bag. I also need to go and buy a new bag as I haven't really got anything suitable or big enough at the minute. I think a trip to Primark is in order. 

I have also thinking about Christmas lots this week as it is coming up fast. I am trying to get a gift list orgnanised so I know exactly what I am buying for who, but so far it's not really working out. Need to do a bit more looking around I reckon. 

photo credit: <a href="">krossbow</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>