Week 36 and all is well. Baby boy is now around 49cm long and weighs about 6lbs. He is roughly the size of a leek according to my baby app.
I'm getting lots of strong kicks in the ribs his week and I keep feeling baby's heel move across my stomach. I love it when my tummy goes all alien and moves loads. This has been the week the stretch marks have taken over. Where I had just 3 I now have a small network of them making my lower stomach resemble a map! I'm just impressed that I made it so long without getting loads and I'm happy they are only in one area. My skin went a bit wappy this week too, I've got a few little spots on my chin, I'm not sure if its down to hormones or my pre Christmas eating habits.
You will have to excuse the mess in the background on this one, I was 36 weeks on Christmas day and I took this snap just before heading out to Jimmy's Mum house for dinner on Christmas afternoon. I look and feel massive. I am really struggling now and even getting off the sofa is turning into an epic. I've spoken to Jimmy and told him that it's his time to looking after me a bit and his is happy fetching me food and drinks (for now lol). I'm still able to get into town, do the house-work and make dinner it just takes me forever. I actually don't mind doing stuff, it keeps me busy, I go stir crazy if I'm just sat doing nothing all day but I am very aware that I need to take it easy and not put any unnecessary stress on myself. This will be much easier now Christmas is out of the way.
I saw the midwife this week and everything is fine, baby is head down but not yet engaged. He is at the edge of my pelvis so he is thinking about it and shouldn't be too long before he pops down ready for action. I am measuring spot on and my blood pressure is fine. The midwife says that baby's heartbeat is strong and proud, I love hearing it, it makes me so excited to meet him! Only 4 weeks to go and Jimmy and I are so excited to become parents, it's our biggest adventure together yet!
photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/svenwerk/421287871/">svenwerk</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/">cc</a>
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